terra mater myths of creation.

for the winter 21/22 issue of wonderful terra mater magazine i had the pleasure to work on a collage artwork series for the leading page & follow up pages. seven chapters filled with myths of creation, from the mundane egg to big bang, the god of creation, quantum theory, an omniversum & further more. i was allowed to enter my surreal phantastic world of imagination, working on the different impossible & possible concepts & ideas about how this planet & the universe have been created. as every time when i work on complex subjects like this, i am happy to fill up my knowledge base and to take a deep look into new matters & topics. i adore to dive into science, myths, religion & bring them up as a visual cosmos. i love the synergy between text & imagery when reading thomas vašeks article. as always it was a joy to work on details & enigmas. a huge merci to the team of terra mater for trusting me with this beautiful project – thank you for the lovely words on my person. ♥︎

terra mater ‘logbuch’ quote.
‘ihr arbeitsgerät ist der computer, ihre inspirationsquellen aber sind dezidiert analog: in antiquariaten, auf flohmärkten oder beim betrachten von pflanzen und tieren findet anita brunnauer den visuellen rohstoff für ihre illustrationen, die überquellen von klugen assoziationen und fast verborgenen zitaten. für thomas vašeks text über schöpfungsmythen griff die wahlwienerin besonders herzhaft in ihre optische vorratskammer und wurde so selbst zur schöpferin eines eigenen kosmos.’

the collages contain.
a collection of imagery provided & licensed by terra mater.

terra mater creative direction
head of creative | markus kietreiber
art direction | isabel neudhardt-haitzinger
head of photography | isabel russ
article | thomas vašek