deutscher naturschutztag trailer 2024.

*voilá. for the german days of nature preservation short ‘DNT 2024’, i was asked to realize the trailer animation, which was presented live during the congress opening & also as an interstitial. the congress was held from 24. – 28.09. in saarbrücken germany. the claim for this years event was ‘europa natürlich verbunden | europe naturally connected’, so everything was about the term network in a broader sense. if you behold nature you will find interconnections anywhere – visually or in movement. the web of the spider, a flock of birds, a swarm of fishes, the human branch of circulation, & so on. in collaboration with ulrike heise from the BBN (Bundesverband Beruflicher Naturschutz e.V.), we developed a concept which is showcasing the network through all elements, from up in the sky to water & beyond to human kind & inside. it was not only about showing information, it was also about emotion. beside all the background information & insights i was provided with data & imagery. the beautiful moving real footage sequences are shot by dr. julian taffner, it was a joy working with that material as a base. furthermore i was really fascinated by the data provided by the birds migration atlas. they provide tracking material about the flight movements & also background information about the specific kind of bird. so to get to the point in a grid of nodes – i am more than happy that i was commissioned with this animation project, it is a subject which matters indeed. a huge merci for all the quality time & exchange, for the playful freedom & the trust. the wiedehopf tells the tale about a brighter future, alive & in recovery. so thank you to everyone involved – for your courage & engagement – to behold this beautiful place & to protect it from human failures. below you can find the credits. i hope everyone is on the list – if not – get in touch. take your time for the details ♥︎.

client | Bundesverband Beruflicher Naturschutz e.V. (BBN)
commissioned by | Ulrike Heise | Organisation Deutscher Naturschutztag
audio | wildflowers by piano amor

special thanks to.
daniel bittner | ministerium für umwelt, klimaschutz, mobilität, agrar & verbraucherschutz
dennis heynckes
dr. julian taffner | terra aliens
the eurasian african bird migration atlas |
milos popovic  | (c) 2022  | source worldwildlifefund inc (2003 – 2016) |
the natura 2000 & the emerald networks | european environment agency EEA
hans-jürgen zietz