grüss gott magazine last judgement.

*for the grüss gott magazine fall 2020 of archdiocese linz i created a collage illustration for an article focusing on the subject the last judgement. jesus and the world on a scale, i love to do central compositions and i also enjoyed carving out the antagonism of heaven & hell.  for this collage i worked with plenty references from michelangelo, cranach to memling, to name some of the masterminds. in addition you can discover still-lifes of food & juridical symbols & text fragments. again a merci to raffael fritz & the whole team for another wonderful commision.

head of creative | markus kietreiber
chief editor | raffael fritz
art direction | dominik uhl
photo editor | matti wulfes
article | grüss gott editorial department
collage artwork | nita.